All About Books: A Book and a Short Story

This post is a part of the Book Beginnings and Friday 56 blog memes. Visit more of my All About Books posts.


Quick comment: Trafford has a number of Kindle Unlimited books available. This was the second that I read, and his legal thrillers have been well worth the time. I especially liked the two I've gotten into because they were read, and listen.

Book Beginnings: My life began to unravel the same day I found my mentor dead. I had planned on meeting Judge Harry Meyer early in the morning for coffee at the Tin Cup Diner, a local hangout for judges and lawyers that was close to Oakland’s courthouse on Twelfth. A newspaper reporter had called me with a vague message about one of the first child abuse cases I had handled, and I needed Harry’s advice.

Friday 56: From the other side of the wall, Billy shouted back at me. “Case or attorney or what?” This was before Billy was fired and I’d hired Karen Fields to replace him. I remember the interaction because, for the first time in weeks, Billy was actually at work when I needed him and relatively responsive to my request.



In the Heart of the Fire (Nameless: Season One) by Dean Koontz

Quick comment: This read and listen Kindle Unlimited is a short story that is done in three or four trips from home to work. And the narrator is super. Koontz doesn't have to offer these for free as I'm sure people are buying them up. But I'm glad he has. Making my way through what's been called season one.

Book Beginnings: The sky is the blue of a birthing blanket, the day newborn and filled with the light of innocence, when the air brakes of the bus whistle softly, waking him. He has arrived in Worstead, Texas, looking for trouble, on this Friday in June. The bus is bound for Houston, and this is merely a quick hop-on, hop-off stop en route.

Friday 56: A grave sense of responsibility presses on him and, curiously, a weight of grief that brings tears to his eyes. But grief for whom, responsibility for what? He can’t summon clairvoyance when he wishes. He could wait here the rest of the day and through the long night, and learn nothing more.